Saturday 26 February 2011

Review: Clean&Clear Deep Action Cream Cleanser

This is a review on the clean and clear deep action cream cleanser. This is my number one go to product when cleansing my face.First of all the clean and clear range is a favourite of mine, I can't really say why, I just think their products do exactly what it says on the packaging so they are pretty trustworthy and are relatively cheap for quite a lot of product.The product is a cleanser, it is designed to clean deep into your pores, remove make up and dirt and oils on the skin, however i would not recommend it for a make up remover (I made that mistake!!) Definitely take your make up off first, then use the cleanser. After using it, i definitely feel cleaner, my face feels clean and fresh and i feel like i can trust the fact it does remove all dirts and make up, just because of the way my face feels after. When applying it, use with water and apply all over your face and your face will experience a really bizzare feeling, like tingly and cool! Its really hard to explain, but when i wake up at 5am, it wakes me up! Its got a sort of "zing" to it! Haha!It is oil free so it would be ok to use on all skin types, both dry and oily. My skin is the dryest known to man, and this product was very kind to my skin and did not make it feel tight in anyway, which was a relief! However i did feel the need to moisturise after (you always should girlies!).However the product is not anything AMAZING. It does what is says, it removes dirt and make up and oils and cleans your face and that is it! Its no miracle cleanser it just does what a cleanser should do for a very good price and with a really nice smell :)
Final Thought: This is a really good product for the basics of cleansing, it cleans your skin, wakes you up and you can rest assured that all traces of dirt and grime are gone!
Final Rating: 9/10

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