Tuesday 21 June 2011

Sorry for being away, but now some blog fun!

Sorry for being away! Exam time again and I needed to concentrate since they were my finals but now i'm back! So i'm gonna go through my summer favourites! Pictures are not mine :)

In the summer (even though its hardly been hot here in the UK!) i hate using foundation. I am a huge believer that natural beauty should shine through in the summer so after much searching and testing I have decided Laura Merciers Tinted Moisturiser is not only the best on the market right now but is perfect for summer skin. It blends beautifully, covers up imperfections a treat and does not feel heavy or sticky. Its not huge in price compared to others ones like Clarins or Clinique and there are about 10000 different shades to choose from :)

I always ask myself, when do i become a woman? Is it when i can finally wash my towels so they don't feel like sandpaper? Or can confidently walk in heels or own a diamond. I can officially call myself a lady now i own Chanel No5, a very generous 3 year anniversary pressie from my loved one. It smells lovely, Ive been hounding after it for months, never daring to buy because of the hefty price tag. It sits centre stage next to britney spears curious, lacoste touch of pink and vera wang princess, outshining them all! (sorry brit i still love you though!) Probably not the summery of all scents, its timeless, sophisticated and womanly - i am officially a lady! Now for that diamond ring.....

I discovered this little beaut after learning Christine from temptalia.com uses a version of it to exfoliate her lips before those famous lip swatches are photographed. I bought myself some in the mint flavour (although you could get bubblegum and vanilla). You basically scrub your lips with it, its kinda like sugar, but not harsh enough to destroy your lips, although afterwards they are heavenly soft and smooth, perfect to wear lipstick without looking chapped! It was £4.00 i believe, but i can't see myself getting through it for a long time!

I finally got my hands on it! The urban decay naked palette has become my go to for summer eyeshadows. Spring for me was all about pastels, but the neutrals and metallics in the naked palette are perfect for summer tanned skin. When i go away on holiday this is all i am going to need! They feel like butter, their pigmentation puts mac to shame and with a free mini primer potion (although i will say I'm gonna stick to paint pots, wont be buying it in full size) its worth the purchase!

Other summer loves:
- feather earrings
- natural hair
- Mac blush in warm soul, gives off a tanned vibe!
- Lady Gagas new album and Katy Perry!
- Strawberries
- Going for jogs at dusk
- Reading old novels, I'm currently working my way through Lewis Carrolls Alice in Wonderland